
The practical significance of zeolite molecular sieves

zeolite molecular sieves has high adsorption capacity of zeolite molecular sieve, strong stability and other adsorbents no merit, the molecular sieve to obtain a wide range of applications. Zeolite molecular sieve in the field of biological macromolecules, zeolite molecular sieve are common activated zeolite powder pre column zeolite molecular sieve by adjusting temperature, zeolite molecular sieve can precisely control the size of a titanium silicate material, activated alumina manufactured aluminophosphate molecular sieve. Zeolite molecular sieve some crystal material has a large number of uniform pores,zeolite molecular sieves molecular activated alumina desiccent size than the small hole can pass through, and large molecules cannot pass through, so you can play the separation of different molecular interaction, activated alumina, activated zeolite powder this class of materials known asmolecular sieve. In fact,activated molecular sieves they found that a substance called activated alumina can be used as a good molecular sieve. When the temperature rises, the activated aluminadesiccent will gradually dehydrate, activated alumina desiccent micropore sizedecreases. Zeolite molecular sieve by using this method, you can fine tune the pore size range.

